
heterochromia kamekura_mitsuru kara_no_kyoukai ryougi_mana thighhighs yamazaki_miki

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She's big engough to fall in love with her father! What a fast developing speed she has!
ikyo said:
She's big engough to fall in love with her father! What a fast developing speed she has!
That she does seem to take after her aunt. She also wants to spoiler
darkfur300 said:
That she does seem to take after her aunt. She also wants to spoiler
Nah, I'm pretty sure she just wants to defeat Shiki in order to get "Papa" (Mikiya) all to herself. "Otou-sama" (SHIKI) is pretty dead. Plus, Mana is too adorable for that.
Does anyone know if they're going to release an artbook for this that includes Mana and Mitsuru?