
Why are you so excited you creep♥
(From hatagem)
edna feet kiikii_(kitsukedokoro) tales_of tales_of_zestiria

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Could someone translate what she says, please?
divStar said:
Could someone translate what she says, please?
why are you so excited you creep
hatagem said:
why are you so excited you creep
No need to insult him. Lets keep things civil.
^this is^
zero|fade said:
No need to insult him. Lets keep things civil.
^this is^
He's translating what she says, not an intentionally insult.
You've overthought about his word. =u=
zero|fade said:
No need to insult him. Lets keep things civil.
^this is^
I over think a lot of things.
Whoa. That was the translation? Anyone could've mistake that as calling someone out unless he put something like "translated" in his comment.

Anyway, I'll put that up for hatagem.
Hey guys, it is of course a translation.
How could it makes any sense for me to insult him suddenly base on how the conversation was going?
hatagem said:
Hey guys, it is of course a translation.
How could it makes any sense for me to insult him suddenly base on how the conversation was going?
I read it as an insult first when I skimmed. Then I tried to make a funny but failed miserably.