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aisia crease da_capo da_capo_(series) naked

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about 17 years ago
this scan needs fixing (the middle, since it's a poster)
about 17 years ago
Folds are difficult to repair without ruining the scan. Sometimes it is best to leave them as is.
the left side should be easy, the right one where the hair gets asyncronous will be a pain though...
>when your cranium is wider than your body
what happened here? where are her lower body parts? 2spooky2repair
I like this, but it's going to be such a huge pain to fix.
Radioactive said:
I like this, but it's going to be such a huge pain to fix.
you like what about it? where the lower body?
fatmangoth said:
you like what about it? where the lower body?
I just like it.