
nopan orion_shichisei sexual_hunter_riot skirt_lift vigna_ghina

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It's the cover of the manga Sexual Hunter Riot
Its author is Tsukiji Toshihiko
and the artist is Orionshi Chisei....
According to Amazon Japan it's Orion Shichisei.
fireattack said:
According to Amazon Japan it's Orion Shichisei.
So the information I found was something wrong
折音 詩千生(オリオン 七星)
Japanese pronunciation, "Orion Shichi-sei"
Meaning, seven stars of Orion.
KirinoCrew said:
折音 詩千生(オリオン 七星)
Japanese pronunciation, "Orion Shichi-sei"
Meaning, seven stars of Orion.
Thanks for the info, it's mildly interesting.