
asahina_mikuru gothic_lolita lolita_fashion nagato_yuki suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu wallpaper

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Original artist lolwhut. That's megami artwork you fucking newfag. Go away and never come back.
it's originally a princess princess pic with the heads replaced
syaoran-kun said:
Original artist lolwhut. That's megami artwork you fucking newfag. Go away and never come back.
Lol, tard.

No this is a vector chimera by dreamer-erika.

As a vectorer myself, I hate stupid cunts like this who take sigs off.

Megami artwork, wow, that was great.
Take the flaming somewhere else.
I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing alot more bawling soon
I've complained enough already, i'll pass this time
F*ck_R1pp3rs said:
Lol, tard.

No this is a vector chimera by dreamer-erika.

As a vectorer myself, I hate stupid cunts like this who take sigs off.

Megami artwork, wow, that was great.
baaaaaaaaaw more newfag, even if you vectored it, you're not the original artist. So shut up and return to the faggy site you came from.I'll stop here since it's not wortharguing with faggots.
Reading this kind of arguing is like watching a PONG game :v
Just fucking stop it with the flaming, OK?
Ok, well I'd just like to point out that I didn't make it, Syaoran-kun. I gave the user that made it. And that person IS the original vector artist and their OWN idea. To have someone like Radioactive come and remove the person's signature by drawing over it (which is blatantly obvious where he drew over it), it's pretty low. Why can't you just upload the picture with the signature on it? At least then, you aren't putting peoples' hours and hours of work to waste. But after browsing Radioactive's gallery, it's clear that he doesn't care since he removed all signatures on all the vectors he uploaded. What a shame. Have you ever thought of making your own works?
Instead of complaining, add artist tags; that's what they're for. If you'd rather complain than spend a few seconds adding a tag, then please do neither. (Also, don't add your buddy's name as a tag without adding the actual artist, too.)
I 100% support what Radioactive is doing. If he took that image from animepaper, more power to him. Places like that just make me sick, charging me credits for something they themselves stole. Not only are they incredibly ugly, signatures are an insult to the original artist, how would you feel if someone photochopped something you did and claimed credit for it?
inept said:
I 100% support what Radioactive is doing. If he took that image from animepaper, more power to him. Places like that just make me sick, charging me credits for something they themselves stole. Not only are they incredibly ugly, signatures are an insult to the original artist, how would you feel if someone photochopped something you did and claimed credit for it?
exactly my point, and when this someone comes here fagging about how he's the /artist/ and wants credit it makes me lol.
Why download the wallpaper or post it here then, if someone messing with the artist's integrity offends you all so much? Just delete it and post the scan. End of discussion.
But after browsing Radioactive's gallery, it's clear that he doesn't care since he removed all signatures on all the vectors he uploaded.
Lies. You probably spent 2 minutes browsing the gallery.

As far as I'm concerned if the signature is reasonable, I'll not touch it, but tag it with the signed tag (Which is a FAULT tag)

And I didn't 'shop this image either. Tough shit.