This post has a child post. (post #593954)

akaza bra breast_grab breasts change!_~ano_ko_ni_natte_kunkun_peropero~ kinumura_ui masturbation may-be_soft nipples pantsu pussy_juice shimapan thighhighs

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lol This game is really freaking hilarious. There's some good animation in there (very bubbly). Definitely recommended!

Oh the anatomy and art are very detailed!
I think the 娘 kanji in the title is supposed to be pronounced "ko" and not "musume". Also, yariman_musume. This is bothering me enough to post about it.
pancakes said:
I think the 娘 kanji in the title is supposed to be pronounced "ko" and not "musume". Also, yariman_musume. This is bothering me enough to post about it.
That depends on how it is officially pronounced (e.g. when loaded to the title screen, usually one of the characters in the game will read aloud the name of the game).

Never played these games though, so dunno about how they are actually pronounced.
pancakes said:
I think the 娘 kanji in the title is supposed to be pronounced "ko" and not "musume".
You are correct.
雪車町 said:
Ano ko ni natte kunkun peropero is right.
Listen to this countdown voice.
Thanks for the info! Now all images got the tag replaced.