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scrweing a pokemon is bestiality?
Hermes666 said:
screwing a pokémon is bestiality?
I don't see the issue with that?
since when implies bestiality -> extreme content?
MG127 said:
since when implies bestiality -> extreme content?
Having sex with non-humans is often considered extreme. Of course what one person considers extreme another might not
I agree with you but It is an implied tag, used as a safe measure when someone uploads really extreme bestialism and forgets to tag as extreme_content.
Yes, we do care about your feelings, dear user.
blooregardo said:
Yes, we do care about your feelings, dear user.
i feel like im in home
K@tsu said:
bestiality? i though it's forbiden?
Quoted: Any photograph or photorealistic depicting bestiality.

Which states if it is realisticly drawn or is an actual photograph of bestiality then it is against ToS however this isn't the case.