
cleavage lingerie ponkotsu_works

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pixiv 好像又對網址做改動...
然後 firefox 還會出現直接開啟圖片變小問題?
Don't put the new link to artist db because it's no longer artist specific.

i.e. "find artist" feature will be totally ruined.
fireattack said:
Don't put the new link to artist db because it's no longer artist specific.

i.e. "find artist" feature will be totally ruined.
I noticed this today, what do we do now?
fireattack said:
Don't put the new link to artist db because it's no longer artist specific.

i.e. "find artist" feature will be totally ruined.
blooregardo said:
I noticed this today, what do we do now?
someone on danbooru uses a bot to update the url to the old style (yes, they still work if you can generate them by hand), I don't know what we could do though..