
What are you staring at?
cameltoe dress feet hatsune_miku pantsu shimapan summer_dress tattoo vocaloid wokada

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You're asking what am I looking at? ...

Your panties.
tatsujin said:
You're asking what am I looking at? ...

Your panties.
You're bold.
We're missing an image where she covers herself and says "My panties?" ... I don't see it on Pixiv. But I see it on Konachan. I have it on my 10.27.2014 post -
tatsujin said:
I don't see it on Pixiv.
How come? I just uploaded it.
Aneroph said:
How come? I just uploaded it.
Ah I missed that. Sweet.
For anyone afterwards wondering, the related (read: punchline) image is post #301879.