
ass dress g_scream love_live! love_live!_(series) minami_kotori no_bra nopan wedding_dress

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Note to mods:
For some reason aliasing as109 to g_scream does not function, while g.s does. Multiple attempts at deleting and re-adding the alias in various way caused the funky history. My last attempt ended up creating an as109 general tag which should be deleted.

In any case, using as109 as an alias seems bugged for some reason, or maybe I'm just misunderstanding process? Are you supposed to do more than add than adding them to an artist's wiki?

The artist DB's alias is just for display. The most common use for it is you can search in artist DB with Japanese name and get his/her romaji name (aka tag).

The tag alias is handled separately by (along with ).
I just added as109 as g_scream's alias.
fireattack said:
The tag alias is handled separately by (along with ).

I just added as109 as g_scream's alias.
Thanks for the info.

At the end there, I did try adding the alias manually to but when it still didn't function I deleted it (resulting in the funky history). It seems I should have just left it alone, since tag alias will not function without being manually approved?

If so, I'll need to go through some artist wiki's I've added/edited and migrate the alias entries to since I've been doing it wrong all along...
Yes, they need to be approved by mods manually, I check there occasionally.

But don't worry about your previous edits in artist DB: it's supposed to save all the alias (characters or romaji or English whatever) as well.

But generally speaking, still be careful when editing artist DB since it doesn't have any "history version" function so its information could be lost easily when mis-edit.