This post has a child post. (post #317959)

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Is it just me, or is there something really wrong with his body?
1. Look at position of his butt
2. Look at position of his penis and bellybutton
3. Bellybutton is way to far up...
4. His dick is like 30cm long...
4. His dick is like 30cm long...
Well at least the girl is correct :3
Who cares about the guy anyways? xD
lmao the proeminent fissures around it really make it look much more like an anus than a bellybutton indeed.
my hunch is that the artist was probably afraid/timid to mess the main part of the picture so he did whatever to secondary elements, not risking much, trying to save the picture. but its important to take risks, or we dont learn and grow very fast. even if we technically mess an individual piece, the bigger picture (our skills) is more important. (lol whos talking). theres a good spirit in trying and risking too.
Roadi said:
It could be his anus too
Uhm... I hope you don't actually mean that...
Uhm... I hope you don't actually mean that...
Roadi said:
Believe me, I'd certainly like to be wrong.

... but this is a matter of possibility, you see. As it stands, we do not know what it actually is.
Look at the position of the rest of the body...
His body is AWFUL, now you guys need to end this, It's boring see the same stupid conversation.
Anemone said:
His body is AWFUL, now you guys need to end this, It's boring see the same stupid conversation.
Stay calm Anemone.
It'll eventually end.
If something on the internets doesn't please, you can always choose to ignore it, you know; impoliteness never leads to anything, except shit hitting the fan on occasions.

Anyway, I took care of what was superfluous on my part by using the magical 'delete' button.