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Lucky guy, he caught 2 fishys..
B-But what if she sneezes?
sneezes? you mean, what if she does the road warrior?
Abraxas said:
sneezes? you mean, what if she does the road warrior?
Please, explain it further in a metaphorical way
oh I get it, she's trying to get a piercing down there
Irdiumraven said:
Please, explain it further in a metaphorical way
sneeze is a 1 on the richter scale. a barely noticeable every-day occurrence.
road warrior would be a sneeze turned up to 11, leaving you asking "just how?".

.... "ba dum tss".
but what if know...once a month.jaws will come and have fun.
*comes back from hiatus*
*looks for posts with missing tags*
*loads this post*


*reads the comments*
Ok, guys. See you all next century.
This picture pays repect to Kua Fu