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Reason: upscaled. MD5: ca855a8eca15fb38471a56b3094bb2e6
fireattack said: Please don't upscale image to pass the resolution limit. And 娘 has nothing to do with nyan in this context.
Upscaled, was it...?
Btw, how can you tell such? At the very least, to my eyes, there were no problems whatsoever.
Also, as far as the chinese pronunciation is concerned, "buukanyan" seems to be quite close to how the name is read - you could check that with 'google translate' for example, if interested. (My apologies though, if there was a problem with changing the tag in the first place.)
Btw, how can you tell such? At the very least, to my eyes, there were no problems whatsoever.
I say it's up-scaled because lines are kinda blurry, and it's identical to your former deleted images (post #314277, which is also the largest I can find on the Internet). We have zero tolerance for upscaled image no matter if it looks "good" or not.
But of course, if you can prove it's not upscaled by referring a source URL or something, I'd be glad to restore it.
fireattack said: I say it's up-scaled because lines are kinda blurry, and it's identical to your former deleted images (post #314277, which is also the largest I can find on the Internet). We have zero tolerance for upscaled image no matter if it looks "good" or not.
But of course, if you can prove it's not upscaled by referring a source URL or something, I'd be glad to restore it.
You are asking the impossible. After hours of searching for a larger version, I finally found this one on some god-knows-what chinese forum(?) that needed registration to top it all; as such, I'm in no place of saying whether it is indeed an upscale or not.
If you say it's an upscale, then so be it; having it deleted is a little shame though, but I've wasted enough time on this one already. ;D Besides, I already have a copy, so no harm done - to me, at the very least. :)
fireattack said: Why is it a shame for deleting an upscaled image? Sure you were wasting your time, because you can just upscale it by yourself in Photoshop in 5 sec.
You do understand that I was not looking for an upscaled version in the first place, only a version with a truly higher resolution?
And the "shame" comes from deleting a 'fine picture' from this site; of course, this is my subjective view and you have all the right to disagree if you so wish.
about 10 years agohirotn
about 10 years agoRoadi
about 10 years agoただ、一応この娘には名があったようなので、それをtagとしてcopy-pasta致しました。
about 10 years agofairyren
about 10 years agoRoadi
about 10 years ago流石にないわな、酷すぎる :D
about 10 years ago桃花庵の桃花
about 10 years agoそのAPPの名前は「布卡漫画」なので、だから「布卡娘」となりました
about 10 years ago彼女を貶しているつもりは毛頭なかったが――可愛いのは正義だし
about 10 years agoRoadi
about 10 years agokanonmoon
about 10 years ago日本の二次元マスコット存在みたいな
about 10 years ago"bukamusume"ときた…
about 10 years ago中国のネットで「娘」の意味は、日本語の「ちゃん」と似たような意味だと思いますが。
about 10 years ago反正布卡FB自己都在喵喵了,"nyan"應該沒問題(゚∀ 。)
about 10 years agohirotn
about 10 years ago布卡娘 → bu-ka girl
"喵喵,我是布卡娘~" 官方把自己當成貓了( = にゃん)
almost 10 years agoBtw, how can you tell such? At the very least, to my eyes, there were no problems whatsoever.
Also, as far as the chinese pronunciation is concerned, "buukanyan" seems to be quite close to how the name is read - you could check that with 'google translate' for example, if interested. (My apologies though, if there was a problem with changing the tag in the first place.)
almost 10 years agoBut of course, if you can prove it's not upscaled by referring a source URL or something, I'd be glad to restore it.
almost 10 years agoIf you say it's an upscale, then so be it; having it deleted is a little shame though, but I've wasted enough time on this one already. ;D Besides, I already have a copy, so no harm done - to me, at the very least. :)
almost 10 years agoRoadi
almost 10 years agoAnd the "shame" comes from deleting a 'fine picture' from this site; of course, this is my subjective view and you have all the right to disagree if you so wish.