
ass leotard million_arthur_irakon_ken no_bra see_through tagme thighhighs weapon witch

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whats the point tag images with million arthur irakon ken and million arthur irakon ma when they both are just Million Arthur Illustration Contest images
charunetra said:
whats the point tag images with million arthur irakon ken and million arthur irakon ma when they both are just Million Arthur Illustration Contest images
I quote your post and say "this" It means that I agree with your statement: that seems pointless to tag them all as Million Arthur.
i see.. i find it poinless as well.. we could just tagged it as Million Arthur Illustration Contest images or just Million Arthur Illustration Contest.. would make a lot more seness
It's getting a bit much as we're not an pixiv archive. It's not so bad if they were from professional artists, or in a artbook.

The uploader needs to pick the images based on quality, not just being from the same series/contest etc. Some of them are pretty average.
post #324638 Of the because there are four Million Arthur Irakon...

You know translator with many errors
Ahh si no les gusta las 4 etiquetas, entonces que se sea una sola como Million Arthur Extasis ya que es la principal..