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« Previous Next » This post is #8 in the Karomix (Karory) - EX Art pool.
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- Id: 325349
- Posted: over 9 years ago by Twinsenzw
- Size: 5389x3800
- Rating: Questionable
- Score: 237
- Favorited by: lxntmhy, 久远一恋梦君名, adeemo, R1t0_S4m4, y1161330931, AnimeFan18, 参与就好看了, Kikulindo, 帅是一辈子的事, Onizuka22, q2954608, afficianado, uncard86, ArchXz, 门缝大天使, karta125826, lightofsky, Tokidrw, ttgghhu, Fiken, wordon, yokaze_L, AkiraG鳩葵, 墨染画, Alpha8041, uierydog, Destructodoom, dini02, Lucifer_95,, 水A幻, armadillo_lime, nygangsta4121, koorpikachu, DigitalKarate12, lolisugar, unknown171, 秋月愛莉, 3dhgame, LINXIWUYUAN, 鞋垫, lurww, 不愿意透露姓名的我, 1624784051, Frotryin, Keai, jeff001209, 欢乐水牛, itsuka012, 骑龙的鱼, yamatomato, chin7777777, lzczc, yukino3, villette, PlasmaNightSky, 780985894,, highland, spdrggs, Gamma_Fizz, lisonva, 9718, Hainiu, dzq162, QY1224, awolf, taishanxuetang, ptx007c, 璎珞缀千花, joker惟, COMETOSEE, ccsang, andylu671, 董梓聪, chunchunyushui, tahuaguiqu, paranoidhero, terroralien, tsubasawow, Vallosil, Rhenk, Kisakinnomiya, 2469848300, saitaru, xh1321, MitsunaGears, 122062, Nsumi, beiyue, jpudim, SFGH, 时光之外任我行, Plamevik, nastyscj, Swo25, Urameshy, rezaskizo, ERGE, 空中杀手, taramayo, eccdbb, toalikan, jiffyexia, Veta91, Dynareth, dorffy, 坠落, TheCheese, goldilocks, mamutz1, slowloris, Kyrex, steven86, iaj123, 桜樹, lkwuwu, FoxCreed235, goddio, shogun3, redfalcon, MaidScientist, sovereignty, 少年枫, Type5, xmegurinex, AlexandraHallowerII, huachen, Malcolm, allenvi, gqlgzy, natsudragnir110, 希声, illbeatinu, hiccup, Eaddys, fredomone, 卡萌杰尔, kami丨angel, johnj2108, duanmuqi, fallenangelm25, mangaman2, N0ctis, Shinyakogami, aussono, hongniedewu, wdast1541, Kalessin, PinHeadNinja, Dudguy, lexuziz, gibwar, sasuke59, lflavio, makiechang, YunGoon, Code_Nemesis, gmanime, you_are_awesome2, Enigma92, longbowwing, 神前美月, bob117, airei, Deptic, Itachi5013, friday22361, szieziw, essu-kun, darrian, ryuzaki, Xunar, kicu8, sfirestar, loliconpedo, Healeffect, fireattack, SeeThrough, hello., miraichan, sokusan, wk2359113, mrmadpad, boy885, soddein, PLCengineer, Azarel, ctrl450, AspenExcel, oronaldo, diablo330, midoriasra, baluce, Lamii, aqua_water, tangerineCC, OmegaZX, CeruleanShu, itzspooky, CWC, daedalus25, wudi664345514, sixshot, Jimmey, trace5333, Akseru, hefanii, Relow, chaoskie, t65565, chlebekk, Alioth (207 more)
over 9 years agoAlmost got PTSD after fixing all of them. No idea how suemura does this daily
over 9 years agoWtfCakes
over 9 years agoI think I spend way too long on my stitches.
over 9 years agofireattack
over 9 years agoTo make sure the fixings are natural, I use other sources like sample image or old doujinshi scans (they have crease on their own, but the location could be slightly different so still useful) as references this time. I normally didn't do that lol.