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I wonder how this show will turn out. The chapter 2 of the manga seems promising though. (^∇^)
Heard it's just another rather boring school drama anime.
The premise sounds like Ai Yori Aoshi, which bored the hell out of me. The art looks better at any rate.
Wererat42 said:
The premise sounds like Ai Yori Aoshi, which bored the hell out of me. The art looks better at any rate.
Is it? The anime is more of a true romance, that those school drama (Ai Yori Aoshi, that is). I enjoyed it somewhat till all those fan service panty shot came up more and more.
Heh, seems I was entirely justified in not bothering to watch this then :) I've played (or rather, skipped through) the game though, so I knew what it was likely to end up as.