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- ? sakimichan 1759
- ? final fantasy 3863
- ? final fantasy vii 1309
- ? tifa lockhart 1010
- ? autographed 1327
- ? breasts 97804
- ? nipples 192438
- ? no bra 193090
- ? open shirt 106945 breast nipple nobra artist name big breasts small breasts medium breasts huge breasts large breasts open kimono open clothes partially unbuttoned open cardigan boobs inverted nipple puffy nipples open robe
- Id: 331117
- Posted: over 9 years ago by Mr_GT
- Size: 1314x1700
- Rating: Questionable
- Score: 306
- Favorited by: Zephyrus-Solar, antoshka1919, Demikkk, napstar, FzzLMTD, Zxcvbnm2, TheTallestDonkey, Zhan91, Dereth, charles2303, Jubei9, StefanDuelist, belfastchan, AnimeFan18, Huaxu, 2693557721, Constati, djc, grimmm, alili, joteratull, Destructodoom, VinhNiichan, nasty_nate, stryker67, z759160357, cvx, 1728945447, 你妈妈咪呀, omegajvn1, Hetnai, Zaimokuza, ALT1N, bluemaize, gfs1234, DigitalKarate12, SubZeroInmortal, Sakura_chen, 陌年, makeboi, xonazeng, Knapper, 即墨潇湘, Keethaux, chin7777777, heiyansheshou, Darkwitch, karsion, gnnwawj, cmjcherly, Elliott, f**ker, Hainiu, Wombat, gejian, 1329816053, 18jinjinjin, juancarlosjfc, 酷鸭子, Cleavage, alexopp, BaLLsDeep, hyms, UkonCha, 1qaz-2wsx, coldx3, 有容奶大, 139746285, V..., gagotino, 秋月愛莉, 3dhgame, Boywithoutthorns, ccs97a03, octans, marlburrows, Rhenk, petak11, HegranceLyric, OscarKiraAlas, czc, lanyun007, kevin9527, 515485231, kuhi1115, baigu, QQQs, nlp时光兔子, linf01, macro79, 迦楼逻, fushekira, farcry3, ryuokyo06, Luck-ee, DopDop, 1245835022, COMETOSEE, PartsNinja, DJIE, cvbdef, agreas, kuonji-alice, fnesyqym, KinsW, victor19940828, t120610116, Berserk_666, AA2929, orionmachine, rackzon, 1234boom, CosMo, yuannuan, richhazard4, DarrenS, gqlgzy, ZJL, Xunmei, AgentDemon, Owl0904, zhujun, bezblednyrycerz, 1046494947, iaknagof, linzufa, 執著的釣魚人, mossad10086, fiuros, broncho, RichardHK, Fruitylumi, nogadist, 1216398666, qinglongex, 2281963637, qingxinyuyue, hiccup, suyax, Izumi_Akazawa, IronicDeathVibes, qweaz6, hanshanyande, langcheng, yytvzhou, zhuangyuguang,, conan0097, 时光之外任我行, fallenangelm25, HalaHala, GreatSir, 风见透夜, HeavenlyJade, Falconseer, TimeGears, mickael34000, hira390, warymonkey2, HentaiNyan, maiqixi, lucifer1989, skzhonglmp, qimingshenfan, toalikan, Dynareth, retnuocproductive, The_EB, phlsw17520, minituna, HarrisonBrown, Ta0, TheCheese, HDAZED, rearch, ljc643, narmko, nexus646464, Kyokun, Atkarsk, a23456789zc, Karzos, AncRad, oilman, redfalcon, saemonnokami, BunnyGirls, xenophbia, kissyqsqq, wgskinc, littleweapon, Kreal, SinsOfSeven, 月神修介, wssjszddr, xixi_chasse, spoonmandl, lastrosade, kazemora, ChaoLong, allenvi, bahamutjr, soulsamurai3222, ZenethZero, El_Taco, DollDrawing, sanicz, a23defg, SneakySpy, ma973617507, asas1404, hirotn, whatever, SongoPl, destiny012, AkiraTeam, slayer124, chaosrain, vietxmikey, Code_Nemesis, essu-kun, nandebro, Naos3, sirAnGer, vortec, Sk8terkid, wk2359113, mash, ShiinaAkashi, Ulquiorra93, daedalus25, Johnshark, 卡萌杰尔, skydragonbeast, eaves, Kalessin, baoxiang008, 梦之森, noinhome, jeffspnov13, loliconpedo, makiechang, crisslawliet, fa47795, whysoweak, OPHIUCHUS, dragoncaliber, jpudim, grumbyuk, jaxmoe, oppalasagnabowl, Tidalwave, Irdiumraven, JakeLonergan, alevezzali, HentaiLover69, Ricky92, SeeThrough, PKMNtrainerRED, Healeffect, Bbbnnnmmm, vini, sillysongf, Azarel, Alioth, YunGoon, Yugo87, kicu8, minimaxpower, Samwei, 桜樹, gaomignhj, baluce, mrmadpad, mangaman2, samyjonss, alex0zero (271 more)
over 9 years agoKalessin
over 9 years agoAZD-A9S
over 9 years agoI knew her way before the internet...but now that I have the internet, the more I see art of her like this, the more I start to dislike her.
So yeah, blame the internet. I agree.
Ixtli hm
over 9 years ago1. Pick much loved character from hyper-popular franchise
2. Make fanart with NSFW variant
3. Spam the shit out of Patreon to gain access to said content
4. Profit from fanboys/girls
over 9 years agoDebbie
over 9 years agocompletely agreed with Ixtli hm.
the worst part? she likes it, and she only does that. is that being a good artist? no. she SELL herself and her work for capitalism's intents.
her work dont have an ounce of critic or thought. even "commercial artists" do create a bit more thoughtful pieces from time to time. but no, not sakimi chan. shes interested in artificial shine, shiny and melt plastic skin, shes dedicated to distorting every fucking famous character to this ugly and forced commercial preset of hers.
however, shes famous and esteemed because she has "skills".
what skills are those? EMPTY pictures with NO reason to exist. its disgusting. and the prime example of """""""artists"""""""" who are a bit more """skilled""" than average having prestige for selling themselves to making money and getting famous. for the sole sake of money and fame. more individualistic, anti-artistic, pro-capitalist, IMPOSSIBLE. she provokes me utter DISGUST. theres NO INTELLECTUAL content, no REASON of existing, NOTHING. this is not art. this person thinks that a decent domination of anatomy and color illusion is art?????????? bitch. go study. grow some brains. UGH.
and yes, artists arent well supported worldwide. but now ppl "support" those "artists", defending that "artists must be supported". okay. i agree artists must be supported. of course. but this kind of person? its an illustration-maker, not an artist. people are ignorant. argh. im not even sorry for freaking out. i wish i could throw an Argan on sakimis face. see if she can learn something. idk whats more disgusting, sakimi chans art or the people who enjoy it and support her.
over 9 years agoDebbie
over 9 years agoDebbie
over 9 years agoRadioactive
over 9 years agoDebbie
over 9 years agoTheUnspoken
over 9 years agofireattack
over 9 years agoIxtli hm
over 9 years agoNegativity aside, I can respect that she can go from blank canvas to something like this in a few hours.
over 8 years ago