This post was deleted. Reason: user created wallpaper / signed. MD5: 343ecec550e677f3cf1169fba6877340

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about 17 years ago
hey, this is blahdee and i was wondering if you could take this off?? because you did not ask for my permission to post it up!
about 17 years ago
You might be better off going to the "more" section and emailing the admin/mod.
about 17 years ago
I dont understand why people are so protective about their wallpapers...
And have you ever ask for carnelian,newtype,megami...etc's permission to post their drawings up?
about 17 years ago
Report Boon? LOL!
about 17 years ago
If you don't want to be posted elsewhere don't upload it to the internet
about 17 years ago
It's because they put work into it and they want credit for their own work. At least they give credit to the creator...carnelian, megami etc.
shoot i have at least 4 of my wallpapers in the website i dont care.... you "overprotective POS" need to slow your role and realize youre not ever gonna get paid for the work you do VECTORING anime off magazines....

...and why too ppl complain so much about copyrightinfringement?? youre in this website right? everything here are just scans off of magazines whats the big deal? dont like it feck off..
wallpaper maker's name is already on the image, if that isn't enough credit, i could always remove that text.
Wonderful!!!! xD