
bike_shorts hacka_doll hacka_doll_no._3 rogia trap

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I wonder what's the point in drawing a character with a female figure and call it "trap"; or is this one of those "genderswap" ones?
Roadi said:
I wonder what's the point in drawing a character with a female figure and call it "trap"; or is this one of those "genderswap" ones?
Nope, not genderswap - the original (official) character design is that it's trap (refer to my comment in post #333313).
In the anime there is also an entire episode about this character that makes it very clearly that he is in fact a he.

All the other characters in the show seem to fall for it as well though as can be seen in the episode dedicated to this character and the fact that (according to the subtitles atleast) other characters in the series consistently refer to the 4 main characters as 'girls'.