This post has a child post. (post #338901)

ass bra ensemble_(company) game_cg kaburagi_yukie kimishima_ao koi_suru_kimochi_no_kasanekata open_shirt pantsu undressing

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this girl narumi_akane???
I think kaburagi_yukie.
mash said:
this girl narumi_akane???
I think kaburagi_yukie.
No offence, but why don't you correct the character name yourself?
櫻井浩美 said:
No offence, but why don't you correct the character name yourself?
moonian is good "tag gardener" on this site.
but two post tagging mistaken.
so, I want to moonian's comment.

If it's a mistake, one should change the user who made a mistake.
I don't think moonian ever checks the comment section though.
Thanks for the corrections. Maybe somehow I've got mixed up the tags for those two characters while skimming through the images...