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- ? hiten 679
- ? comic aun 500
- ? breasts 97798
- ? lingerie 18555
- ? loli 55747
- ? masturbation 6740
- ? nipples 192429
- ? pantsu 172839
- ? pussy juice 43207
- ? thighhighs 253973 panties pantsuga breast underwear nipple torn thighhighs hiten goane-ryuu thighighs big breasts small breasts medium breasts huge breasts pantsu2 large breasts tighhighs panties under pantyhose thighhigh pink panties loli nude hold-ups black panties pink pantsu blue pantsu lace boobs camisole pantsy thighboots thigh boots bow panties white panties white thighhighs red panties frilled panties visable panties panty peek inverted nipple blue panties orange panties single thighhigh puffy nipples lace panties frilled thighhighs maid panties black thighhighs
- Id: 347475
- Posted: about 9 years ago by hkckk
- Size: 1200x1734
- Source: hiten
- Rating: Explicit
- Score: 372
- Favorited by: fuze35, Viby, raingirth, iron0rca, plxpd999, theguy2077, Test997, 这里不存在的微热可乐, yunlan, pfeil, Mohit_anistyle, Kota_tachiecowa, Scevenex, Waifuplatoon, 不愿意透露姓名的我, TotallyLegit-_-, Natrasky, tsu168, q2954608, 玄天机, stalindahouse, Lunaticoll, bhpp, ArchXz, asdfsasdfs, HChandro, Biver, Durptea, ty3242, Destructodoom, justaperson, Jubei9, Naerrien, Mnbewq, iceyrayeelaina, johnwick123, kianasama, 少女大典好, iAqueous, 血魔弑天, wonkaking, undeadWolf, GentlemanASAN, Maz1300, PancakeChan999, u15fan, SakuraFrost, wewu, 穹蒼zzz, kantokukan, Alpha8041, lilee, kyaa123, awo.c, QY1224, wjw, wjh233, TerrorEdje, hellopoint, PancakeChan, Phalanx777, XMC, 3dhgame, Heavybell, Ayanoreku, 20A0, reiryou_mokumori, Fruitylumi, lbz520, 萝莉有三好, ghostpain, oczi, ex0000, zhujun, COMETOSEE, Kurudowell, VAX-VMS, silencelam, 小洋洋, WUM, cvbdef, Sergiohidalgof, aaaaa, reanaara, being233333, 56006, Beats0, tYcvb, reiryou_tachi, linzufa, 童心依未泯, Kotori_V, horst1234, Vesune, Vallosil, qaz110wsx110, eva007, Nep, rocketbunnyrwb, 3rb05, Aleax, wrx420, imeno, Jack_Zheng, wind6, Pokey, scar12046, Bbbnnnmmm, Saymachine, Miragechase, yejjj, 1803991971, dvortex, krakitoa, qingxinyuyue, lissact, blacktooth, qaz123mly, KimaruKun, x-jan, heyned, jimmy123321, gyzer22, conscript, UCooooll, ltdhz, liang44321, kamikoto, 6t5m, NonXtreme, bluesoulk, airiss, myiasis, 愚者233, scribe, lkjlkjjkkj, 王鹏程, Pogi, rockmanx2, mirolord, GreatSir, h_12439, Lamii, df880142, shenyiwen, Niezama, ljc643, 月下桜天国, yakui-maid, Zenex, ChaoLong, calendula, xxxalice, 学園長liujin, ile141, UNAST, 玉城天真, DarrenS, wehweh39, mei810, wgskinc, 时光之外任我行, Pirgo, insayn, liuxingjian007, zanti, daask, GG985140, Qpax, pentacle, 384002269, idaze, yyw000, Sk8terkid, nooanianqueetus, fullofjustice, 790043753, holynight, NekomiminyanX, autumnnnrain, 希声, XXeegiXX, Koxxi0099, kitamura_kanibaru, π乙糞, DollDrawing, victor19940828, AZURElllSENTINEL,, carnot, Fishmeaker, Urmom, BlackNova, pipipi, sleepcat4, mythchaos, ayylamoo, syuki144, Rysegno, Hitlerwasright, conan0097, Yogiibaer, Fearholiday, SinsOfSeven, heartshaped, tangerineCC, Samwei, Packaged, StratosFEAR, jylee06, ex429027868, geminis, Jezh, Vanness0, letumout, xiajj, Scapes, Arisha, Berakestor, SingSangSong, _Flower, 叛逆之激昂, Snarfalot, 4ssassin4, boringapple, destiny012, Wildcard39, mrmiscellaneous, AIRAZOR, Teddyzipper, kiritocyy, softworm, rigan, bobotski, sasa92, lazymushi, Twinsenzw, AbsoluteEcho, lukevader1, ahack, JCorange, nphuongsun93, Xcalibur, Christown, Yunep, omoti, vita, darkdream, wind, azami,, you_are_awesome2, Code_Nemesis, kicu8, justlaying, Rambo99, captainwoodroe, cowbad, zuolo001, YunGoon, 坠落, Xerneas26, Healeffect, Chowder920, bluswang, Azarel, hefanii, 2232770808, soddein, PLCengineer, sizz15, hse400, Akikun, Mave4ark7, jugur, fireattack, makiechang, aqua_water, tinalu21, Sakurazaki, b_kuroneko, fairyren, Spartan45, ruiko, piratepacman, thrashochist, WhoopteDo, ibrs, fdsert, lucifer1989, Relow, lwp2070809, thejunkbox, fa47795, bakatori, Jacklewis97, qxh20101, vatar17, alex0zero, baluce, mazathoth, lexuziz, OmegaZX, chrisbbs, azure4488, x13lackcat, Soultraitor, Akseru, essu-kun (303 more)
about 9 years agoBear: ....
Such a lonely girl.
about 9 years agosaoxx
about 9 years agomtghentai
about 9 years agoTheUnspoken
about 9 years agoFishmeaker
about 9 years agomtghentai
about 9 years agomtghentai
about 9 years agoI think beautiful loli
but I think horrible loli with sexual connotation
some beautiful lolis for example:
about 9 years agoRadioactive
about 9 years agomtghentai
almost 9 years agoPlease do not offend other users
I really like big breasts and butt too
I'm obsessed for oppaaaiii
well, first example has tag "lolita_fashion" and 2nd was tag "loli"
but it does not matter, these are just beautiful
almost 9 years agolet's all calm down and respect us
almost 9 years agoPeople only act offensive to you because you disrespect their preferences with these unconstructive comments on loli pics.
almost 9 years agomtghentai
almost 9 years agowhere this freedom of speech?
I would not feel offended if someone makes a derogatory comment about one of my favorite pics or call other User an "idiot".
almost 9 years agoTheUnspoken
almost 9 years agoYou make these comments that don't contribute anything, or express a genuine opinion of a person who turns off loli from being filtered, so basically all you do is looking for a fight by your trolling.
You look at even the safest and least sexualized loli pictures, and comment at them as if they were some G rated hardcore stuff voicing your disgust, and other than that you call clearly non-loli characters lolis.
You should really stop playing this game.
almost 9 years agoIt is lamentable you think my comments are "trolling" or "LF fight".
favorable or contraries comments are not always constructive.
They are just opinions.
nothing justifies their offense to another User.
you may be right about the "non-loli".
I may not know what exactly is a loli.
after all I'm not looking for loli
Then the following pics are not kawai lolis:
If not, then I do not know what is loli.
Now look at this pic reviewed here, even if there were a loli character (looks like a child) was ""masturbating"" with a Teddy bear or other loli showing pussy as another pic I commented, I found its horrible
So let's end this increasing discussion that clearly had not taken anywhere
I will ignore your comments
I appreciate if you can do the same
almost 9 years agomoonian
almost 9 years agoSo, in other words, the tag is solely used to filter non-safe (i.e. either rated Questionable or Explicit) images with girls that look young in them, NOT for marking any image that suits the general definition of "loli".
And, you should have expected this site has and allows images that are (in your opinion) "horrible". So, if you don't like the policy of this site, you're free to leave for somewhere else.
almost 9 years agoguy I always thought loli be any character that are or appear to be prepubescent.
But I have nothing against the policy of this "site" here
I want to continue LF pics
And this "site has lots and lots of sexy, cute and adorable pics
one more thing, I will not "blacklist loli
if I do that, I will not see pics like these:
almost 9 years agomtghentai
almost 9 years agoI do not have to comment on it if loli definition is exactly sexually explicit or suggestive works of art girls who are or appear to be preadolescent
sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 9 years agothough the blacklists seem to be broken at the moment...
almost 9 years agomoonian
almost 9 years agoRandomuser
about 7 years agohimiya
about 7 years ago