
ass breast_hold cleavage dragon's_crown dress feet monster no_bra see_through shigatake

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I can only imagine his despair.
Having all this and, alas, no lower half...
Roadi said:
I can only imagine his despair.
Having all this and, alas, no lower half...
He's a Dschinni, I think he's pretty happy.
(I would)
TheBrilliantShadow said:
He's a Dschinni, I think he's pretty happy.
(I would)
Are you perhaps implying that you'd be totally fine with parting with your lower self?
'Course, when I'm a Dschinni I can create one anytime I need it - one which does not suffer from "fatigue" ;-)
I think this one should be put into Dragon's Crown unlockable art pool.
I remembered playing a quest and got this art unlocked as a reward.