
asahi_kuroi dress hatsune_miku headphones magical_mirai thighhighs vocaloid

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How did you get the 2039x1147 resolution? the pic in pixiv is only 1200x602
CCTT said:
How did you get the 2039x1147 resolution? the pic in pixiv is only 1200x602
Register and login as a user to get the original size of images.
moonian said:
Register and login as a user to get the original size of images.
I did, but it's still the small version. You click "open image in new tab" to save it right?
You click that button on top left.
Or click the image itself (when hovering over the image, your mouse's cursor should become a "zoom in" icon), and the original version will be loaded.
nphuongsun93 said:
You click that button on top left.
Oh thank you very very much

moonian said:
Or click the image itself (when hovering over the image, your mouse's cursor should become a "zoom in" icon), and the original version will be loaded.
This only work when the artist upload 1 pic at a time, right?
CCTT said:
This only work when the artist upload 1 pic at a time, right?
Nope. If you can't, then check if your browser has any addon(s) that block(s) the scripts providing such function.
moonian said:
Nope. If you can't, then check if your browser has any addon(s) that block(s) the scripts providing such function.
I think you should check yours.. in manga mode when you click on the image it just scrolls to the next image.
fireattack said:
I think you should check yours.. in manga mode when you click on the image it just scrolls to the next image.
if logged in, I can already view multiple images in the same page by just clicking that source link (got redirected to afterwards), and by clicking any of those images will give me their original size version.
moonian said:
if logged in, I can already view multiple images in the same page by just clicking that source link (got redirected to afterwards), and by clicking any of those images will give me their original size version.
Wierd you mentioned

since I never saw that kind of URL format before. It will just be redirected to here, which looks like ; once you clicked the image it would open manga mode which looks like this: this image is *not* full size, and if you click on it, it will only scroll to next one, like this:

To get the full-size image, you need to click that <-> icon on top left of every image:

Again this is the default behavior of Pixiv and it has been like this for years AFAIK. If you're pretty positive you don't have relevant addon/script/style, does pixiv have some alternative theme/user interface or some premium features that can affect this?
fireattack said:
Again this is the default behavior of Pixiv and it has been like this for years AFAIK. If you're pretty positive you don't have relevant addon/script/style, does pixiv have some alternative theme/user interface or some premium features that can affect this?
Not sure if mine's behaviour is default for new users? I just registered within a couple of weeks. And the account is NOT a Premium one (in the Preferences, in terms of browsing options, all i've changed, and can only changed, is whether display R-18 stuff or not).

Edit: Maybe that "whitecube" thing (theme?) in the URL is the culprit?

P.S. This is what I saw in the previously mentioned page of using Firefox: (as you can see, both images are displayed in the same page).

P.S.2 One more screenshot for the user page of the image's artist ( ) (after scrolling down a bit):
That looks new.

I just tested and registered a new account, but I still get the same one. Maybe it's based on location? Google doesn't have much information either.
nphuongsun93 said:
That looks new.

I just tested and registered a new account, but I still get the same one. Maybe it's based on location? Google doesn't have much information either.
Yeah, I tried new account before too, didn't work. Only find this:

So it looks like there was/is a beta test for that new interface and it pushed to a small part of the users?
fireattack said:
Yeah, I tried new account before too, didn't work. Only find this:

So it looks like there was/is a beta test for that new interface and it pushed to a small part of the users?
It's possible, but I've never heard anything about that.

P.S. The link provided in that reddit page ( ) is not redirected to "normal" version at my end.