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This Anime is a start of the broadcasting from October, 2008. (Only Japan)
at a distance I thought that was Nagato Yuki.
I wouldn't compare Nagisa with Yuki.

At least Nagisa is cute and her crying moments are touching ;_;
Davison said:
This Anime is a start of the broadcasting from October, 2008. (Only Japan)
Obviously... always will be first in Japan xD
I can`t wait for octuber X_X
kyoushiro said:
I wouldn't compare Nagisa with Yuki.

At least Nagisa is cute and her crying moments are touching ;_;
Well said :) Nagisa is love (though I kinda prefer Tomoyo overall, especially after the special ep heh).
I prefer MAH Kotomi over all the Clannad girls. Nagisa is in a distant second place :3

Never understood what's so great about Tomoyo.
Everything about tomoyo is great..she's the strongest mother :3.
syaoran-kun said:
Everything about tomoyo is great..she's the strongest mother :3.

If I can (barely) remember Tomoyo, it's because of all the LULZ moments with Sunohara receiving Tomoyo's lolol Lightning Kick.
Tomoyo is beautiful, has an amazingly gorgeous voice, is lolhard and I just happen to love her somewhat naive personality (when it comes to certain things). There are other things, but meh, too many to list ;p

Kotomi was originally my favourite before the series started, simply going by looks, nagisa overtook her quickly on personality and cute, then eventually tomoyo won me over.

And Kyou is just awesome, that is all. Based on nothing but uh... humpability? Yeah, that works, anyway, based on nothing but that, kyou ALL THE WAY :D