
alice_bedford bekotarou laplacian newton_to_ringo_no_ki thighhighs wallpaper

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According to this game, it seems we've all got our history wrongly:
- "Isaac Newton" is actually a pen name (the real name is the one tagged in this post)
- That "Newton" is in fact a girl (we wrongly assumed her gender from her pen name)

moonian said:
According to this game, it seems we've all got our history wrongly:
- "Isaac Newton" is actually a pen name (the real name is the one tagged in this post)
- That "Newton" is in fact a girl (we wrongly assumed her gender from her pen name)

Well it fits a studio called "laplacian"..
This month's (Mar 2017's) game-style's BG advert is just a repeat of this post (plus some sprites), so I'm not going to upload it:

For the "twitter background" version (which is just a repeat of post #380965 plus the same sprites):