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It looks like this IS the original size of the image, but got downscaled by scripts.

From the URL of the image in the web page (might be randomly generated per session):,h_906,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/bf8b76_4607b41f6c9d4fc6b9e8f29efcba82c5~mv2_d_1654_2339_s_2.jpg (note the w_640,h_906 bit in the middle - the pixels of the width and height)

Changing both numbers to 3000 (i.e.,h_3000,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/bf8b76_4607b41f6c9d4fc6b9e8f29efcba82c5~mv2_d_1654_2339_s_2.jpg ) will only give you the largest 1654x2339 version but not further upscaled.

Keeping the width to 3000 but changing the height to 1000 (i.e.,h_1000,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/bf8b76_4607b41f6c9d4fc6b9e8f29efcba82c5~mv2_d_1654_2339_s_2.jpg ) will still give you the biggest width of 1654, but with a cropped height of 1000.

P.S. same mechanism for other images in the site.