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crease hisama_kumako love_live!_(series) love_live!_sunshine!! moco_chouchou tsushima_yoshiko

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even tho their initial costumes and songs were pretty crappy in general, i like aqours as a whole more than muses.
my absolute favorite is still nico, but aqours girls are so captivating and funny.
the songs improved in quality too (with daydream warrior and especially g senjou no cinderella, i have high hopes for whats coming next). even the xmas single is decent.

im very anxious to the second season. i want to know how they will develop, seeing theyre "weaker" than muses (everything just worked out magically for muses, they seem to be more "normal" girls and not as insanely gifted like maki for an example) (i love maki anyways but welp this will be different... more realistic. i like when ppl can relate to their struggles and failures. because thats whats most abundant in life - struggles and failures! we never get anywhere without them. we need to learn how to face them.)