This post has a child post. (post #400017)

armor fate/apocrypha fate/stay_night komatsubara_sei mordred_(fate)

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Transferred all posts with komatsubara_sei to komatsubara_kiyoshi (thus merging two tags) according to the romanization provided here.

The romanization on magazines is not official. And from what I observed all these years, they give (factually) wrong or inconsistent romanizations more often than I'd guess.

I actually investigated this particular animator months ago. There is no solid evidence which one he goes by, but at least he use "sey" (same pronunciation as sei) as his twitter handle: and his email address (won't post here, check his HP). This, combined with other database sites' choices (ANN, animator's corner), makes me to choose sei as the tag.

Of course, it's possible he just used a different spelling/pronunciation as nickname; but that's the best we can get for now.

He was previously tagged as komatsubara_hijiri as well, by the way.
I see, thanks for the info !