
horns kanna_kamui kobayashi-san_chi_no_maid_dragon maruko_tatsunari tail tooru_(kobayashi-san_chi_no_maid_dragon) towel

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TheUnspoken said:
Remove Kanna
Remove yourself. Kanna is best girl.
Quetzalcoatl is even better.
unya said:
Remove yourself. Kanna is best girl.
She's useless in the anime.
Even her lewd scenes get removed.
Kanna is the only reason to watch this show.
You mean read the manga, which respects her unlike the "ew it's loli remove her lewd" adaptation while simultaneously addig more Lucoa x Shota service.
TIL respecting a character = making them more lewd.
TheUnspoken said:
You mean read the manga, which respects her unlike the "ew it's loli remove her lewd" adaptation while simultaneously addig more Lucoa x Shota service.
The manga is incredibly bad. The show is way better.
Kawaiideath said:
TIL respecting a character = making them more lewd.
Not "more lewd", but keeping the few lewds of her in the series.
They certainly didn't have a problem with keeping, and even upping up the cowtit service.
Such an anti loli show has no need for the loli, so they should just remove her.
TheUnspoken said:
Not "more lewd", but keeping the few lewds of her in the series.
They certainly didn't have a problem with keeping, and even upping up the cowtit service.
Such an anti loli show has no need for the loli, so they should just remove her.
Holy fuck, #crymore bitch.
Jonesy974 said:
Holy fuck, #crymore bitch.
no need to be rude
Hermes666 said:
Kanna is the only reason to watch this show.
Basically this. I literally skip anything not involving her. Her interactions with Riko are godly. Though Fafnir scenes were pretty cool.
blooregardo said:
no need to be rude
So the shit-poster can shit post, and bitch and moan, and its totally fine...but someone calls them out and they're the rude one? Lmao, gtfo hypocrite.