This post has a child post. (post #457618)

bra breasts comic_aun cum misaki_kurehito nipples open_shirt pantsu panty_pull seifuku yuzuki_kanna

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I'd like some opinions on tagging these two images below (and their parents/children if applicable) as the character above:

post #180549
post #180547

I've had an inkling these characters may be one and the same for a long while now. Apologies if they are not, but I've been using these more recent pieces as reference:

post #297920
post #349280

Only noticeable differences are the hair accessories of course.
Ornstein said:
I'd like some opinions on tagging these two images below (and their parents/children if applicable) as the character above:

post #180549
post #180547

I've had an inkling these characters may be one and the same for a long while now. Apologies if they are not, but I've been using these more recent pieces as reference:

post #297920
post #349280

Only noticeable differences are the hair accessories of course.
Tag fixed (should follow convention of Japanese names in general if the character in question is a Japanese).
moonian said:
Tag fixed (should follow convention of Japanese names in general if the character in question is a Japanese).
Thanks! To be honest, I was unsure which was the actual family name.