
benghuai_xueyuan dress feet moxi_(13286123402) seele_vollerei

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Interesting, I'm wondering whether the moderator have had his/her eyes open when delete my post and tagged it' as upscaled. What I uploaded is THE original image that painters seldom share. So you use the search engine and find that you cannot find the image with such a big resolution and affirm it was an upscaled? Anyone who take a look at that with a 100% scale would say NO. And now you replaced with this compressed version, be wise in your own conceit for this picture drawn years ago? I'm skeptical about the censorship now. It sucks. post #390361
8tp_torm said:
Interesting, I'm wondering whether the moderator have had his/her eyes open when delete my post and tagged it' as upscaled. What I uploaded is THE original image that painters seldom share. So you use the search engine and find that you cannot find the image with such a big resolution and affirm it was an upscaled? Anyone who take a look at that with a 100% scale would say NO. And now you replaced with this compressed version, be wise in your own conceit for this picture drawn years ago? I'm skeptical about the censorship now. It sucks. post #390361
Not the one who deleted it but it looks like a digital original but just to be sure where did you get it?
blooregardo said:
Not the one who deleted it but it looks like a digital original but just to be sure where did you get it?
Well I was just discontent about the system. Bad money drives out good looks so stupid. Painters have their own circles, you know. And maybe someone I know keeps in touch with that circle. I was intrigued by the someone's Avatar and ask him for the original. Then I tried to upload here for a search backup. That's it. And that's why this old image didn't be included till days ago.
8tp_torm said:
So you use the search engine and find that you cannot find the image with such a big resolution and affirm it was an upscaled? Anyone who take a look at that with a 100% scale would say NO.
No I didn't. I merely looked at the image and could tell it's upscaled by the over-sharpened lines all over the place. It doesn't matter if this image came from "the artist's circle" or not.

I deleted that image for purely technical reasons, and if you want to discuss from that perspective, feel free.

But stop accusing people (be wise in your own conceit? censorship? seriously?) for no reason. The uploader of this post is not me or related to me in any way, he/she may not even know you uploaded another version before (because it's deleted).