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NotRadioactiveHonest said:
First episode was excellent.
Really?? Interesting, time to give this a watch then!!
I also picked it up due to this comment and it certainly met expectations.

I initially glanced over the series since the key visual (this picture) didn't look all that special but boy is the actual series dripping with ambiance. The soundtrack is fantastic too.
Тоже сейчас смотрю этот сериал. Он прекрасен: очень атмосферный, стильный, динамичный и с весьма неплохим сюжетом) Одно из самых ярких событий этого лета для меня.

I also started watching this show. It is beautiful: very atmospheric, stylish, dynamic and with a very good plot) One of the brightest events of this summer/autumn for me.