This post has a child post. (post #346874)

bra breasts kiba_satoshi marmalade nipples open_shirt pantsu panty_pull primal_x_hearts_2 shimapan shirt_lift watanuki_anna

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I'm thinking about tagging images with non-standard (sRGB) color space just as a notice for people. It should display just fine though, since even sample and jpeg images will inherit the same metatag.

For example, this one (or all by user:RKO) uses DCI-P3 color space.

Of course it will be better if uploaders convert it to sRGB before publishing.
this looks a bit oversaturated to me with the "correct" color profile compared to how irfanview renders it (ignoring color profile).
I see "cream" tag, but I actually don't see cream
Deadhunt said:
I see "cream" tag, but I actually don't see cream
Thanks for noticing this (tag now got removed) - it was copied among other tags from the child (which is modified from this parent image to become a Valentine edition), which has chocolate cream in that image.
moonian said:
Thanks for noticing this (tag now got removed) - it was copied among other tags from the child (which is modified from this parent image to become a Valentine edition), which has chocolate cream in that image.
Ok, you're welcome :D