
« Previous Next » This post is #111 in the Tatekawa Mako - Hoshizorairo Ehon pool.

asuka_minato bra breasts chibi digital_version nipples nopan open_shirt otome_domain palette_qualia saionji_kazari seifuku tatekawa_mako trap

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Um, how on earth is this a trap? She clearly has breasts, and you can see enough of her crotch to see that she can't have a penis. Or is it the chibi doll that's supposed to be a trap?
Kalessin said:
Um, how on earth is this a trap? She _clearly_ has breasts, and you can see enough of her crotch to see that she can't have a penis. Or is it the chibi doll that's supposed to be a trap?
The character represented by the doll ("chibi") on the bed is the trap: asuka minato

Added character tags to avoid confusion.