
bikini bleach inoue_orihime kon kuchiki_rukia kurosaki_ichigo naked nipples pussy swimsuits tony_taka uncensored wardrobe_malfunction

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LOL. Ichigo's nose is exploding and the most that he could possibly see from where he is (of that which a swimsuit would normally cover) would be Orihime's ass, which might be covered by what she has tied around her waist. It's like his nose is exploding because of what we can see...
well... he can see that Kon has Orihime's top, and the rest could be his imagination
no, his nose is exploding because he is imagining what he cannot see and taht makes him rage so hard his nose explodes
Actually, Ichigo just has high blood pressure and Kon made him move too quickly.
Could someone photoshop Rukia out of her bikini as well? She doesn't get enough attention, but I think she's adorable! I would if I had even a shred of artistic ability...
I fell in love with Rukia instantly, I would give her all the attention she wanted. ;)
vhd1995 said:
well... he can see that Kon has Orihime's top, and the rest could be his imagination
ichigo is just excited the thought of her turning around holding her boobs makes him tingle