
card_captor_sakura dress kinomoto_sakura moso

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Never noticed this before, is Sakura a Christian?
Marona762 said:
Never noticed this before, is Sakura a Christian?
No ideas, but someone wearing something like this doesn't always automatically infer they're Christian? But just a kind of accessories?

I say this because in Japan, (for example) one isn't required to be a Christian in order to hold their wedding ceremony in Christian churches.
how can a human being not to fall in love with her
kaminoryu said:
how can a human being not to fall in love with her
Well anyone that isn't attracted to underaged girls for example(she's officially between 9 and 12 depending on the manga's timeline).
Marona762 said:
Never noticed this before, is Sakura a Christian?
I don’t think she is. Japanese people can wear a christian cross without being christian themselves, you know? She may just like the shape of this symbol, nothing more.
Yeah I guess I overthink it.

I kinda feel bad for her,being popular as an anime girl means you get to have tons of dojins where people do the most nasty stuff to you, and I've seen many from Card Captor Sakura,sometimes I wonder how people can draw such cruel stuff.

Sorry, random rant.
Marona762 said:

I kinda feel bad for her,being popular as an anime girl means you get to have tons of dojins where people do the most nasty stuff to you, and I've seen many from Card Captor Sakura,sometimes I wonder how people can draw such cruel stuff.
I kinda feel bad for her,being popular as an anime girl means you get to have tons of dojins where people do the most nasty stuff to you, and I've seen many from Card Captor Sakura,sometimes I wonder how people can draw such cruel stuff.

Sorry, random rant.
CCS is a rare series, with Non Non Biyori, for which I refuse to see/watch any hentai derivative work.
Trit said:
CCS is a rare series, with Non Non Biyori, for which I refuse to see/watch any hentai derivative work.
I know the feeling,I too have quite a few series of which I absolutely refuse to see/watch any hentai derivative work.
Marona762 said:
Well anyone that isn't attracted to underaged girls for example(she's officially between 9 and 12 depending on the manga's timeline).
you know love is not only in the way of sexual attaction... do you?
kaminoryu said:
you know love is not only in the way of sexual attaction... do you?
This explains some of the comments here lol
My bad then, I misunderstand.