
cura digital_version loli lose monobeno nipples pantsu sawai_natsuha topless

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This game will surely get banned from Steam I bet it.
Doubt it. Steam isn't the Apple app store.
Steam has already banned recently some Japanese Novel Games featuring lolis, they're a western country after all.
Kawaiideath said:
Doubt it. Steam isn't the Apple app store.
This is illegal in a lot of countries, and also in some US states and provinces of Canada. There is no point in staining Steam's reputation for the few people who can play this without Chris Hansen asking them to take a seat, many of whom are not interested in this genre.
Illegal what? Not like they're going to publish R18 version on Steam.

Yeah, I knew there was another all ages loli-themed VN (The Key to Home / いえのかぎ) got deleted , but there're still lots stripped-down versions of ero games (including ones featuring lolis).
fireattack said:
Illegal what? Not like they're going to publish R18 version on Steam.

Yeah, I knew there was another all ages loli-themed VN (The Key to Home / いえのかぎ) got deleted , but they're still lots stripped-down versions of ero games (including ones featuring lolis) there.
Like Senran Kagura.
Personally I was thinking of

I didn't know that Steam banned (after initially approving it) an all-ages game because they suspected it was 'aimed at pedophiles' though. That is quite dubious.
Hermes666 said:
Like Senran Kagura.
What about it?
Vaylard said:
What about it?
The girls are 16 years old or less, except for the teachers, and Mirai, is basically a loli that can get her clothes stripped.
Hermes666 said:
The girls are 16 years old or less
That doesn't even matter anywhere, if they are visually not pre-pubescent.
Only Mirai is a loli, but she gets lost among all the main girls anyways, so it doesn't matter.