
I never told a lie such as [I love you]
You looked at me with an upwards glance, so as instructed I have decided to teach you directly, not through words, but through bodily contact
[Oh, husband, please (fuck) me more...]
ass coffee_cat dress no_bra open_shirt pantsu string_panties undressing

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does she really say that?
blooregardo said:
does she really say that?
She just said "do (something)", but didn't mention what that "something" was, hence the brackets. (May have to read the light novel itself first in order to confirm the actual context here)
Seems like a wild guess but okay.
"please do (me) more" would be a pretty literal translation. Although, even in this case the (me) would be from the context and not explicitly said, as is pretty normal in Japanese sentences.
oh!~哦豁 1楼要fuck哒