
business_suit kimono megane pipimi pop_team_epic popuko umeki_aoi

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kaminoryu said:
anime is trash
and so I'am
Is it really bad?
Hermes666 said:
Is it really bad?
It's one of those thing that is that bad that is actually really good
NotRadioactiveHonest said:
It's really, really, good.
I keep hearing this. I wasn't planning to watch it originally..... but there's too much buzz around it to ignore now.
Just watched first episode.....

What the fuck did i just watched....

kaminoryu said:
It's one of those thing that is that bad that is actually really good
That fits pretty well, yet still i don't know it's so weird.

It's kinda funny and akward and weird....
But i don't get all the reference cause i hate memes and co.... (I'm too old for that shit)
It's memes coupled along easy to catch references.
I think that kind of comedy is horrible, but some people like it anyways.
Unwatchable for me, 4 minutes and i decided not continue watching this
I first thought there was a problem with it as the episodes seem to end half-way through. They repeat it with some changes...
NotRadioactiveHonest said:
I first thought there was a problem with it as the episodes seem to end half-way through. They repeat it with some changes...
It's apparently a setup for some reference/gag. I already forgot somehow....