
bathing n.g. naked nipples towel wet

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Artist was banned on danbooru, someone still uploaded pic there, it gets deleted, but you somehow managed to download this and upload here.
How the heck is this works?
Deadhunt said:

Artist was banned on danbooru, someone still uploaded pic there, it gets deleted, but you somehow managed to download this and upload here.
How the heck is this works?
Because the copy on danbooru isn't the ultimate source? Refer to the source listed in that danbooru post's page.

Edit: and you can still "hack" the link if you know its md5 hash (if the file isn't completely removed from their servers, but just hidden from public's view):
thanks for more n.g. work! Why was the Artist banned ? :( His erotic art doesn't deserve to get banned!
drfeelgood said:
thanks for more n.g. work! Why was the Artist banned ? :( His erotic art doesn't deserve to get banned!
You have the connotation wrong, if the post #428666 comment wording about the art deletion being by _artist's request_ is truthful.
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
You have the connotation wrong, if the post #428666 comment wording about the art deletion being by _artist's request_ is truthful.
ah okay thanks for the info
Who cares if it's banned on Danbooru/blue dan/x website? I see no reason to bring this to discussion *again* with no new information.
Got a removal request on Twitter and redirected it to the usual procedure (described on ). Just letting you know.
blooregardo said:
Got a removal request on Twitter and redirected it to the usual procedure (described on ). Just letting you know.
you guys could just ban JP ip on tag containing n.g. Lawfully it's then O.K within JP domestic copyright rule.
It's mostly because we host images that are for Patreon-supporters only.
Danbooru isn't The image stays.
n.g. banned artist now???
this artist post many flagged deletion.
mash said:
n.g. banned artist now???
this artist post many flagged deletion.
Nope, just some random new user spamming deletion flags.

Edit: And vandalizing tags too.
moonian said:
Nope, just some random new user spamming deletion flags.
I guess emuji is n.g.
mash said:
I guess emuji is n.g.
Then this is definitely not the best way to do this
They spent around 1.5 hours non-stop removing tags from every n.g. upload. That's some dedication.

I agree that if it actually is the artist then this is a very unprofessional and ineffective way to deal with it.
Kawaiideath said:
I agree that if it actually is the artist then this is a very unprofessional and ineffective way to deal with it.
Considering that he is already removed pics from danbooru. He at least must to know how this works
Alter account see the records, unless n.g. write in spanish... nah i think this is the same person who fireattack banned some weeks ago
Nepcoheart said:
Alter account see the records, unless n.g. write in spanish... nah i think this is the same person who fireattack banned some weeks ago
yeah, was the first thing I thought of when I saw the record, his name was "AdrisirOsu!"
Yeah Kiyoe's army really hates me