
digital_version megane naked nipples pubic_hair thighhighs urushihara_satoshi yuri

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I have to say that I absolutely love how this artist draws faces, but I hate the way he draws pubic hair and the texture of the nipples. I've always been bothered by this artist for that reason; on the one hand I love him, on the other I think the stuff he does is gross.
AsadaShino said:
I have to say that I absolutely love how this artist draws faces, but I hate the way he draws pubic hair and the texture of the nipples. I've always been bothered by this artist for that reason; on the one hand I love him, on the other I think the stuff he does is gross.
That's how pubes and nipples look like in real life though?
samuraidude said:
That's how pubes and nipples look like in real life though?
So real life bodies are gross?
