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Is it upscaled or modified with the size since I found the source is 1459 x 2048?
kotorilau said:
Is it upscaled or modified with the size since I found the source is 1459 x 2048?
As per above, what you mentioned is the ":large" version, but the ":orig" version should be the original dimensions instead.
Is it the way to find all the pictures with original size from Twitter? For example, just change the saving code with DVuKZDqVAAABQ8W
kotorilau said:
Is it the way to find all the pictures with original size from Twitter? For example, just change the saving code with DVuKZDqVAAABQ8W
Yes, just add the modifier to the end of the image's URL.

If you can't see anything's changed even after the "orig" is added, then it means what you've seen previously is the largest version available (i.e. that's already the original version).

P.S. I think there're at least these:

Dunno if there's a ":medium".
Oh, I see... Thank you so much, fireattack and moonian~ :)