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so you are submitting someone else's work, and it calls stealing. D:
who the hell cares elitist minitokyo fag
Wow, so Minitokyo is like...MySpace for wapanese... Good to know.

Hey, nimrod.
1. 'Fan art' is technically copyright infringement, should the creator of the intellectual property it is based on care to pursue such a claim.

2. This site is just an image repository. You put the image out there for people to download. This is like complaining about google stealing the content of your precious WapSpace page.

You make wallpapers. Doesn't exactly make you Jesus fucking Christ. GET A JOB. Oh, yeah... AND LEARN FUCKING ENGLISH.

-- You all know who.
besides, boon is not a normal user right? Its like moes image spider or something...
Automated import script ...
boon is a normal user. It's just that before the moe danbooru existed admin2 hosted a huge unsorted image collection of boon's, and that was batch imported into the danbooru. boon still posts new scans/cleanups/merges
So much bickering like a pair of homos....

...Regardless i really liked this pic reminds me of Saya from Blood+ but i know its not...
Problem is, you guys aren't google. 8D
oh well... at least he didn't remove the signature.
please don't let this site become 4chan's /w/ and I am fine with this.
Esta bien chida esta imagen