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@Kirito_online: breasts refers to fully (or mostly, in some cases) exposed breasts that don't fall under neither topless or naked.

A good rule-of-thumb to follow to find out if it's proper to use breasts is to ask oneself: "Is the lady's torso covered in some way AND is the area where her nipples are supposed to be completely visible?" If either condition is false, then using cleavage/underboob (as in this case) might be more adequate.
Is there a way to reverse-search which subreddit this pic was posted on?
Lirsoas said:
Is there a way to reverse-search which subreddit this pic was posted on?
No ideas, but I found a better version from Pixiv (via other image posting sites) through the Find Similar function: post #457570
moonian said:
No ideas, but I found a better version from Pixiv (via other image posting sites) through the Find Similar function: post #457570
Awesome. Thanks.