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I'm honestly trying to understand how people get aroused by lolis and shota... However I can't seem to do it. I can't even look at any childlike character and feel the slightest amount of arousal, I can only think about how much I want to hug them or take care of them as if they're my own kid. Even if the character is apparently "legal", it still seems wrong to me.
Ahusaka said:
I'm honestly trying to understand how people get aroused by lolis and shota... However I can't seem to do it. I can't even look at any childlike character and feel the slightest amount of arousal, I can only think about how much I want to hug them or take care of them as if they're my own kid. Even if the character is apparently "legal", it still seems wrong to me.
Nothing wrong with that. To each their own, as they say.

PS: how do you feel about migita_hibiki? I personally find her a great happy medium between too loli and full-blown bishoujo.
Kawaiideath said:
PS: how do you feel about migita_hibiki? I personally find her a great happy medium between too loli and full-blown bishoujo.
She is my favorite char in this game)
Deadhunt said:
She is my favorite char in this game)
Same, though I haven't played it yet. Already fell in love with her from the pics alone.
Ahusaka said:
I'm honestly trying to understand how people get aroused by lolis and shota... However I can't seem to do it. I can't even look at any childlike character and feel the slightest amount of arousal, I can only think about how much I want to hug them or take care of them as if they're my own kid. Even if the character is apparently "legal", it still seems wrong to me.
Thanks for your input. To me it seems like they enjoy themselves just as much as any other girls, or they are loved deeply like everyone. Obviously, I avoid rape or tentacle or other stuff like that, because that's what I can't understand how anyone can get aroused watching, but yeah, different people...
PS: there's nothing wrong with this.
Kawaiideath said:

Nothing wrong with that. To each their own, as they say.

PS: how do you feel about migita_hibiki? I personally find her a great happy medium between too loli and full-blown bishoujo.
Eh, I kind of like the black and white pic. But other than that sexualized loli isn't really my thing. The ones drawn with big breasts are definitely not something I like either, just plain weird. Oh, the rape and tentacle stuff. Yeah, definite no thanks to that stuff. I'd rather look at sexualized loli than that stuff. As long as they seem to enjoy it at least.
Ahusaka said:
I'm honestly trying to understand how people get aroused by lolis and shota... However I can't seem to do it. I can't even look at any childlike character and feel the slightest amount of arousal, I can only think about how much I want to hug them or take care of them as if they're my own kid. Even if the character is apparently "legal", it still seems wrong to me.
I just put reality and fiction apart: I can like some loli/shōtacon pictures if they are well made (and I’m insisting on the fact I’m talking about fictional characters!), but I can’t accept any sexual act on real children. Just as simple as that.

And there’s nothing wrong if you don’t like loli drawings: you have just differents tastes than another part of the community. You can blacklist these pictures in your profile settings if you don’t want to see them.