
otto pussy uncensored

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Radioactive said:
This artist is amateurish.
Look at his other work. :3
Too painful on my eyes thanks :)
He's actually pretty good at the style he's doing, don't know what your beef is with him Radioactive, but I guess everyone has some obsession against someone or something.
The ultimate wallpaper! XD

This artist totally got it: they went directly to the essential, and removed all the irrelevant! XD
So, you like barbie dolls then? Poorly drawn ones at that.
This is an odd place to draw the line; far worse atrocities prevail in the domain of baloon tits, subjectivity aside.
The labia of a young girl is beautiful!
Radioactive said:
So, you like barbie dolls then? Poorly drawn ones at that.
Repeating the same thing over won't really make it true.
TheUnspoken said:
Repeating the same thing over won't really make it true.
You need to elaborate.
Radioactive said:
You need to elaborate.
What? No, I don't. YOU need to elaborate, you're the one making a statement here. Don't write a comment if you're drunk.
You are just too painful to deal with. I'll respond when you have something constructive to say.
Radioactive said:
You are just too painful to deal with. I'll respond when you have something constructive to say.
More constructive than your "badly drawn, reee badly drawn, poor, poor" comments on this artist? Sorry, can't beat that constructiveness.
Radioactive said:
So, you like barbie dolls then? Poorly drawn ones at that.
Actually, I just found funny to see such a picture here, that’s all.