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I heard that Meltlilith was renamed Meltryllis by Type-Moon Ace Vol.12
But the katakana is still メルトリリス
ForteenF said:
I heard that Meltlilith was renamed Meltryllis by Type-Moon Ace Vol.12
But the katakana is still メルトリリス
I recall reading (probably on Reddit) that it was going to be changed to that in the English version of the game.
I don't think it was mentioned anywhere that her Japanese name would change as well.
Any reason behind the change? Just a better name or it is based on something?
fireattack said:
Any reason behind the change? Just a better name or it is based on something?
So it seems the new English name is referencing a flower (amaryllis), which puts it in line with the other 4 characters of the so-called Sakura Five (サクラファイブ).

As for the reason why this wasn't the case from the beginning, people speculate it was simply a case of Engrish from Type-Moon's side. (source)