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breast_grab naked nipples xxnikichenxx

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Added artist name tag to this post. Don't mean to harp on this subject over and over again but an artist name, imho, should be regarded as an essential tag. I do what I can to add the artists names to other people's posts but it gets old after awhile. The argument that I could just favorite the pic in question only holds if I don't have to favorite hundreds of pics because they lack the artist's name for me to do a search for.
It's nice that you are doing the tags bc there are many artist names, that I didn't know. But don't feel responsible for the tagging. You don't have to do that.
BattlequeenYume said:
But don't feel responsible for the tagging. You don't have to do that.
True, that falls under the uploader's responsible, which most can't so well (including me).

Speaking of artist tags, is there a helpful website one could use to translate Chinese/Korean names/word into Romaji. There's this site that can be use for Japanese names/word, but if the artist in question has a non-Japanese/English name then I'm screwed.