This post was deleted. Reason: upscaled. MD5: b509f230e8079e5432e15ab37921111f

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Radioactive said:
I'm suspicious about this and post #512174
yeah, both were upscaled, also post #511943.
Is it a matter of an image search to find the original, or is there something specific you can observe in an image to see that it has been upscaled?
Most images leave some signs that have been upscaled, compare with the original also helps.
RyuZU said:
Most images leave some signs that have been upscaled, compare with the original also helps.
This is interesting to me. Would you be able to elaborate?
I think the most common is "blurred", I when I look at the first things I notice if have is the lines of the cheek, when a character blush its nearly disappeared or blurred, if the pubic hair, hair tips, or end of a line, are blurred, and others small details that when upscaled they are "blurred", example this panties detail, and the original version, or if I still have doubts, I download the original image and use waifu2x and compare in photoshop.