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Please avoid comments in three languages.
kulipator said:
Please avoid comments in three languages.
Is there a reason behind this? From what I recall we can post in what ever language we wish.
Radioactive said:
Is there a reason behind this? From what I recall we can post in what ever language we wish.
We can indeed post comments in any language, and there is no regulation that does not allow us to do so, so I used 'avoid' instead of 'forbidden',But you can never have three languages ​​in one sentence,No one here knows what he or she wants to express, I think it’s pointless.
kulipator said:
We can indeed post comments in any language, and there is no regulation that does not allow us to do so, so I used 'avoid' instead of 'forbidden',But you can never have three languages ​​in one sentence,No one here knows what he or she wants to express, I think it’s pointless.